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Note: Below is a copy of the Miami International RowHouse Parent Guidelines for your reference only.

Miami International RowHouse Parent/Guardian Guidelines



I understand that:

  • Sportsmanship and fair play are essential to the sport of rowing.

  • Coaches are responsible for coaching and our rowers and parents are asked to be supportive of our coaches’ decisions.

  • Our coaches have completed as part of their USRowing membership the USRowing SafeSport Program. The guidelines are available to view at

  • During practice at MIRH, parents will remain outside the fence for safety, security, and insurance reasons.

  • At regattas the parents will get their rowers to the regatta site at the time requested by the coach. Parents will stay in the parents’ observation areas and not at the trailer or team tent so that the rowers can concentrate and prepare for their races and discuss their race thoughts with the Head Coach afterwards.

  • After all rowers from MIRH groups have completed their races, team rowers must be at the trailer to help with de-rigging, loading the boats, and cleaning up until released by the coach.


Therefore, I agree to the following:

  • I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all rowers, coaches, volunteers, parents, and board members at all rowing events.

  • I agree to a 24-hour rule.  Please wait 24 hours before contacting the coach with any issues concerning rowing decisions, position, boat assignments or coaching decisions.

  • I will express any concern through proper channels in a respectful manner.

  • Proper channels are to a coach, then Head Coach, and if the concern is still unresolved it can be brought to the attention of the MIRH Executive Committee/Board of Directors for review.

  • I understand that my child should not be using drugs or alcohol or smoking and that these activities are against the club rules.


Parent Name: __________________________________________


Parent Signature: _______________________________________

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Text: 305-710-8362


© 2020 Miami International RowHouse

All Rights Reserved

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With the support of The Miami Foundation, the Office of the Mayor of Miami-Dade County, Miami-Dade County Board of County Commissioners, and the Miami-Dade County Department of Public Housing and Community Development.

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